Brain-Body Approach
We have a brain-body based approach to chiropractic care in which the central nervous system is of primary focus and everything else is secondary. When you understand the body as three systems in one – pass…Read More[show less]
- The Passive System refers to the bones and joints. These provide structure, attachment points and the potential for movement, but do nothing on their own.
- The Active System refers to the muscles. They provide the power for movement, elimination and respiration, but do nothing on their own.
- The Control System refers to the central nervous system – the brain and the spinal cord. This is the central organizing authority that controls the passive and active systems, function, defense, recovery, healing and metabolism.
The focus of our chiropractic adjustments is to affect the control system with the intent to create harmony within all of the body’s systems. Everything in the body is controlled by the brain: When the brain is functioning well, the body functions well. When the body is able to communicate its needs back to the brain without interruption, the body functions well. The importance of understanding this cannot be overstated. For example, where does the body experience pain? Our immediate answer is, ‘in the part that hurts.’ However, consider that a person with an amputated limb often experiences what we call ‘phantom pain.’ The limb is gone, but the person feels pain in it. So what part of the body generates pain? Pain is generated by the brain. It always was and is.
Problems occur when the brain-body’s ability to regulate itself is impaired. There are many causes for this, including compromised air, water, food and chronic stress, but the primary reason is subluxations. A subluxation is when there is less than optimum nerve function somewhere in the nervous system.
Someone can get a subluxation from how they laid in their mother’s womb, through birth, falls, accidents, posture, illnesses, body structure and emotions. We could combine all of these events and call them ‘stressors.’
The reason chiropractic is so effective is that the adjustment increases brain wave activity, which in turn sends an increase of health messages to the body, which then heals and repairs the body. It resets the whole system. When the brain is invigorated, it clears, realigns and re-establishes the self-healing pathways of the Intelligent Life Force.
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Your Neuro Health
The NeuroInfiniti Stress Response Evaluation is relatively new technology that is a one-test measure of total health. The test produces a report that provides unique insight into a person’s overall ability to function, and is extremely useful and informative. However, the NeuroInfiniti is…Read More[show less]
not widely available because of the prohibitive cost of the equipment. We have invested in this technology because it supports in a most meaningful way our ability to deliver customized chiropractic care to rewire your brain for optimum health.
Specially trained to administer the test and interpret the results, we use the information to draw a road map to guide the person back to optimal function and optimum health.
The test is performed while the patient is seated with non-invasive sensors attached to various places on the body and head. Over the course of 30 minutes, a full neurological workup is performed, including: EEG, heart rate variability, heart rate, respiration rate, muscle tension (SEMG), skin conductance, and hand temperature. The purpose of the test is to evaluate the ability of the brain to move from stress (beta activity) to recovery (theta activity) appropriately. It looks at the ability for the heart to vary its rhythm according to the breath and stress response. It measures how well the brain and body handle and recover from stress. It will discover if the body is under a stress that it doesn’t have the ability to recover from. The test gives a clear indication if the brain/body connection is healthy or unhealthy.
If one were able to obtain the individual tests of the same caliber, the costs would reach close to $8,000; for example, 1) Heart Rate Variability, $3,500; 2) EEG, $3,000; 3) Stress Response, $1,200; 4) SEMG, $250. We offer the test for a very reasonable fee, and often have special discounts, so call to find out the cost and to schedule your test. We guarantee you will learn a lot about your brain and what you need to be in better brain health!